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170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830

When is a Head Injury Considered Catastrophic?

 Posted on May 27,2024 in Personal Injury

CT injury lawyerHead injuries can range from fairly minor to catastrophic. Some types of head injuries sustained in accidents can be life-altering. Traumatic brain injuries may impact a person’s cognitive or physical ability for the rest of her life. Some people who have suffered these injuries will require permanent round-the-clock care in a skilled nursing facility or from a home health aid. Others will never be able to return to their careers or finish school. Less serious head injuries might be serious but not catastrophic. If you sustained any type of head injury due to an accident caused by another party’s negligence, you should consult a Greenwich, CT catastrophic injuries lawyer immediately. You may be entitled to significant compensation.

Head Injuries That Cause Permanent Disability Are Catastrophic

If a brain injury permanently impacts the types of activities you can and cannot do or changes your career prospects, your injury is likely considered catastrophic. You do not need to be totally disabled and unable to work entirely for your traumatic brain injury to be treated as a catastrophic injury. For example, say you were working as a history teacher, but your brain injury interfered with your long-term memory to the point where you can no longer remember enough information about the subject matter you teach to write a lesson plan without re-learning the material yourself. In that case, you probably have a catastrophic injury.

If you are a full-time parent or homemaker and you can no longer carry out your daily responsibilities, you likely also have a catastrophic injury. You may need to hire people like housekeepers or childcare professionals to perform the work you used to perform.

Injuries That Necessitate Permanent Care Are Catastrophic

If you will require care for the rest of your life due to your brain injury, you almost certainly have a catastrophic injury. Any injury that is so life-altering or interferes with your ability to care for yourself to such a degree that you will require the assistance of others permanently is likely to be considered catastrophic.

If you lived independently before the accident and had to move into a nursing home, group home, or the home of a family member who can help you with the activities of daily living due to your head injury, your injury is life-altering. The same is true if you have to hire a home health aide.

Contact a Metro New York Area Catastrophic Injuries Lawyer 

Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC is committed to helping people who have suffered a catastrophic head injury due to another party’s negligence. Our experienced team of Greenwich, CT catastrophic injuries attorneys form the largest law firm based in Greenwich. Contact us at 203-661-6000 for a complimentary consultation.

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